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Writer's pictureJessica Allen

Who is JH Photography? 10 Fun Facts About Me!

Updated: Jan 26

1. I met my boyfriend my freshman year of high school - and we've been together ever since!

We met a few days into my freshman year in floriculture and became best friends before starting to date in April. We absolutely love to travel and explore the beautiful world around us (especially living in Utah,) hang out around our home, and play the occasional game (both board and video.)

2. We have 2 cats who are our fur babies

Bella and Gunner - who despite being from two completely separate litters both look and act like siblings.

3. I broke my first camera when I was 7

I decided to use my mom's camera to take a photo of my dad sleeping on an airport bench and while running back after waking him up with the flash... I tripped over my own feet. The camera smashed into the tile and the lens was pushed in on one side... It clearly wasn't going to function anymore. Thankfully only the lens was damaged so all of the photos were saved. Plus my mom got a newer, nicer camera not too long after so at least there's that silver lining.

4. I'm a sucker for good coffee and chai tea lattes

Need I say more lol

5. My parents got divorced when I was 15

This is where my love for photographing single parents comes in. Other than the occasional selfie, I don't have any pictures with either of my parents after their divorce. I don't fault them for this, they both had other priorities now. Because of this, I want to make sure other kids of single parents (and of course the parents themselves) have photos to look back on from this time in their lives.

6. I have a family bush, not a tree lol

I have 6 siblings - none of them full blood related (not including in-laws.) It's kind of a long story... I'll have to tell you about it later.

7. I danced for 6 years growing up

I had never really been into sports (I mean, I chased the boys rather than the ball when I played soccer) until I was exposed to the world of dance through one of my best friends. I danced both recreationally and competitively from the time I was 10 until I was 16 and it still remains one of my biggest passions in life.

8. I work full time, manage a YouTube channel, run this biz

I think it's safe to say I understand being busy lol. I work full time to fund my passions, turned my love for travel into a YouTube channel currently showcasing everything to do around Utah, and of course am running my photography business. I absolutely love everything I do and wouldn't change it for the world, but I definitely need to be good about managing my time. This is partly why I made my booking process as seamless as I did, with little contact from me. I want you to be able to schedule your session around your hectic life without waiting on a response from me!

9. LOVE to travel - but also a major home body

A little bit of an oxymoron I know. I LOVE exploring everything our world has to offer both in nature and culture, but also enjoy just hanging out at home watching a movie or reading a book. It's all about balance, right?

10. I'm an introvert to the core!

This surprises most of my clients because of how outgoing I am at sessions - but it's true. I can only handle so much "peopling" as I refer to it before I need to take some time by myself to recharge.

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