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Writer's pictureJessica Allen

Be Fully Prepared: 5 Things to do the Week of Your Photoshoot

Updated: Jan 17

5 Things to do the Week of Your Photoshoot

I don’t know about you, but I’m a HUGE planner. (I mean, I’m sure you are too if you’re reading this post lol, but I digress) I like to have an outline of what to do and when to make sure I’m not missing the little things I need to do. With how busy my life has gotten, it’s gotten to the point that I’m planning the things I need to do the Sunday before the new week. Which lead me to create this blog post (and series!) If you’re unsure what to do to prepare your session look no further, here are 5 things you should be doing the week of your photoshoot!

Want to check out my entire series on preparing for a photoshoot? Head over to the introduction post HERE!


If you’re planning on making any sort of beauty appointments it’s recommended to have these scheduled anywhere from 2-10 days before your session depending on the type of appointment. Any sort of hair appointments should be scheduled a minimum of 7 days before your session to allow you time to wash your hair once before the session (unless your stylist recommends different, of course!) Anything else aesthetic (nails, eyebrow work, eyelashes, etc) can be scheduled a minimum of 2 days before your session. You don’t want to show up with bright red eyebrows because you got them waxed right before your session!


I always recommend bringing items that represent you or your family to your session. This is a great way to add a personal touch to your session and remind you of this time in your life when you look back on these photos. Some great things to incorporate into your session are any hobbies you may have, an item that represents where you are in life, or a special toy your kid may love!


This is a great time to check in with your photographer if they haven’t checked in with you. You can confirm if there’s anything they recommend bringing to your session, where to meet them at your selected location, and ask them any questions you may have!


Not all photographers send out helpful blog posts and guides to their clients, but if yours does now’s the time to review them if it’s been a while! I like to send out helpful information when my clients book with me as well as one week before their session (if that’s you, I can’t wait for your session!) I want to be as helpful as possible for my clients and help make their experience as stress-free as possible?

Want to see what I send to my clients? Send me an email or DM on Instagram, I’m happy to share it with you!


Lastly, lay out everyone’s outfits the night before. This is especially helpful if you’re bringing multiple outfits and accessories! You want the day of your session to be as stress-free as possible so you don’t want to be scrambling looking for that *one* shirt you just KNOW is around here somewhere… (I may be speaking from experience.) This also gives you some time for any last-minute shopping or laundry you may need to do as well!

Curious what I recommend doing the day of your session? You can find that post HERE!

I hope this was helpful for you! If you’d like for me to capture any of your memories, I’d love for you to contact me HERE!

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